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Heer Soho – First Woman To Lead The Soho Clan

Pakistani women are making great waves in all fields of life. They are breaking the bias for real. In Pakistan, where patriarchy is dominant and fewer chances are there for women to lead especially in tribal areas.

Pakistani women are making great waves in all fields of life. They are breaking the bias for real. In Pakistan, where patriarchy is dominant and fewer chances are there for women to lead especially in tribal areas. But now things have changed as tribal areas of Pakistan are going through a gradual change. This is evident in the case of Heer Soho, who is the first woman to lead the Soho clan.

The news of Heer Soho being chosen as the first women tribal chief has spread across Pakistan like a wildfire and everyone on social media and on other platforms is praising and appreciating Heer for her success.

Early Life

Heer Soho hailing from Sindh is an influential politician. She greatly credits her father for making her the woman she is today. The courageous one, who is officially going to charge of the Soho Clan this Heer while talking about her father said “It was my late father’s decision that I head the Soho baradari.” She further added “My father was called Sardar by the people of our baradari out of love and respect. People looked up to him and he did whatever he could for their well-being.” With this supportive father and family, a girl sure can achieve anything, pass any hurdle, and do wonders in life. Yeah, that’s how a father’s support can change your life. Heer Soho’s success is much owed to her father.

While talking about her education, Soho said “I was the first girl in my family to go to college and finish university. Had it not been for my father, Ismail Soho, this wouldn’t have been possible. A lot of girls in my family went for higher education after I finished my studies.” Education is what makes us different and how we use it to benefit others makes the world a better place. A great personality once said “A degree is just a piece of paper. It can’t decide your future.” It holds true in every sense. Okay, agreed degrees validate that you are an educated person but what’s the point of it if you can’t show it through your actions. You need to have skills too and no skill is a waste and this should be our goal.

Political Career

The political career of Heer started in 2000. Heer mentioned about the start of her political career and said “Back then, the graduation clause was in place and the MQM was looking for educated women. My father had been a lifelong jiyala (PPP member), but when it came to entering politics, I opted for MQM and my father supported me.” Later on, she left MQM and joined PPP. Since then, she has been working to bring change and to improve the conditions of women in the area especially.

Tribal Chief

On assuming the new role Heer Soho faced a little resistance but she managed to handle it all. Soho’s aim after becoming a tribal chief is to bring the women forward and make a committee so, that women have the opportunity to play their part in the progress of the society and the country. Heer said “There are so many challenges confronting the rural areas of Sindh. Without taking women into account, these can’t be sorted out.”

Women hold equal importance as men in society. They just need to realize it. With Heer Soho, we surely are going to witness more women coming forth to make a mark in the world.

Written by Team Neemopani


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