Politics is not just about politics. Politics is about people, and what government can do for them. Here you will find stories, ideas, and solutions that can help us understand the issues facing our world today.
Immediately following the trial court’s decision on August 5, the former prime minister—who has been barred from holding any public office as a result of the conviction—was detained and has since been held at Attock jail.
He was found guilty of not disclosing the income he received from the sale of state goods by an Islamabad court. He claims he will appeal and disputes the accusations.
Although there is a lot more to know about the singer, Bangwar lived most of his life in new York and London, and on his return to Pakistan, he qualified the SPSC Examination and secured the spot as a PMS Officer.
Their car was stopped by another vehicle, and about 15 guys dressed in plain clothes and armed with firearms encircled them. Nasir was forcibly removed, and the offenders provided no explanation or justification for their conduct. Pasha asked for prayers for Nasir’s safe recovery in a heartfelt plea.
The goal of the 2023 global effort is to get tobacco farmers to grow nutrient-dense, sustainable crops by making more people aware of how to grow and sell other crops.