Saudi Crown Prince Likely to Visit Pakistan Next Month

Saudi Prince will have a full fledge state visit to Pakistan. Saudi Arabia Crown Prince is expected to visit Pakistan in the first week of October.

Saudi Crown Prince

Pakistan has been pushing and wanting for a visit from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman from a while now. Pakistani government was expecting Saudi Prince to visit Pakistan after his recent to India where attended G20 summit. After the G20 summit Mohammad Bin Salman had a state visit in India as well. Pakistani caretaker Prime Minister even postponed his visit to Saudi Arab before his visit to New York to attend UN General Assembly.

Economic crisis in Pakistan are getting worse by every passing day. People are badly suffering from inflation. In this case Pakistan is looking for a grand foreign investment in the country worth billions of dollars. In this regard Saudi Arab is a coun try which Pakistan are eyeing from a while.

As Pakistan was preparing for Mohammad Bin Salman’s visit, the cancelation of his visit might seem a disappointment but according to the Ministry of Information Saudi Prince would have came to Pakistan just for a brief visit after his visit from India. Now Saudi Prince will have a full fledge state visit to Pakistan. Saudi Arabia Crown Prince is expected to visit Pakistan in the first week of October.

Both states are expected to make billions of dollars major investments. One of the mega projects is a refinery oil plant at Gwadar. The agreement was initially signed in February 2019, then the tensions in political situation in Pakistan was a reason that the project got delayed.

Pakistan has high hopes from Saudi Prince’s visit to stabilize economy from the economic crunch that the country is facing right now.

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Mohammad Bin Salman last visited Pakistan in February 2019, it was also planned that he will visit Pakistan in November 2022. Pakistan have high hopes and expectations from this visit to fix the unstable economy.

Written by Team Neemopani


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