To bring to you the best of 2021, Neemos decided to pen down the best Pakistani songs of the year 2021. So the list of best Pakistani songs of 2021 is below:
Cricket Khidaiye – Atif Aslam, Faris Shafi & Talal Qureshi
What’s the first singer you thought about after reading the title “best Pakistani songs of 2021?” Atif Aslam, right!
Okay, first things first Atif is a legend for a reason. Oh, my my, can he not be this adorable all the time? Every single time, Atif drops a single, he literally drops a sweet bomb on Aadeez a.k.a Atif’s fans too.
A fusion of Punjabi lyrics with rap, Cricket Khidaiye is an anthem to remember. Every Cricket fan was grateful to Talal Qureshi for composing such an outclass number, that too for the T20 Cricket World Cup. Our takeaway from this song: Talal’s composition + Atif’s high notes + Faris ka rap = A lethal combo (genuine wala – not the one you’re thinking of).
Though we didn’t win the T20 World Cup, we won hearts and Babar Azam’s boys proved that “2021 hun waari khidi? Saadi tyaari poori!!” On a side note, Coke Studio is about to launch soon. So Atif Aslam fans, get ready for falling in love with Atif Aslam all over again!
Larsha Pekhawar – Ali Zafar ft. Gul Panra & Fortitude Pukhtoon Core
Let me tell you a secret; If I’d ever like to make a movie about my life – the starting song would be “Chal dil mera chor yeh phairay”. Yes, you can take a guess how important Ali Zafar’s music is to me and my existence. Larsha Pekhawar is a beautiful pashtu number. And it’s a go-to shadi dance song. The video is colorful and exciting. Ali Zafar dedicated this song to pashtun brothers and sisters and called it a “Tribute to their vibrant culture, values and most of all, bravery.” All those who are planning on visiting Peshawar, please do bring a black shirt along and give it to Malkoo. Hahaha – Just kidding, we love you Malkoo!
Na Cher Malangaan Nu – Farhan Saeed and Aima Baig
Do I owe my friends an apology? DO I? Oh, you want to know what for? For playing this song nonstop after its release? In my defense all I can say is, Na Cher Malangaan Nu, Assi Achay Music Dey Marray Aan! Aima baig is a magician. Her voice is so good that it makes me wonder how can someone’s voice be this good. Our film industry is incomplete with out Aima Baig’s sureeli awaz mein gaye huay filmi gaanay. And please don’t get me started on Farhan Saeed. From singing to acting to dancing, he is just a shining star of the Pakistani Film, Drama & Music Industry. The lyrics, the composition, The Farhan Saeed, The Aima Baig and the song – everything about Na Cher Malangaan Nu is awesome.
Yaad – Asim Azhar
In 2019, aik Ghalat fehmi si bani thi kei Asim Azhar gave his career best song (Jo sahi fehmi hai, at least for now). Topping his own best song was no easy feat and the very same reason Yaad just couldn’t do it. Dear Fifty million, seventy-five thousand and eleven hundred fans of Asim Azhar, please don’t kill me. Yaad by Asim Azhar was one of the best Pakistani songs of 2021. One of my favorites too. But for me, Ghalat Fehmi is still the one, I just can’t move on. Takti hain rahein teri kei ghalat fehmi part.2 ayega? Yeh kaisay mein bataon tujhay kei tu (ghalat fehmi gana) meray dil sei nahen jayega!
Afsanay – Young Stunners
Mein dunia ko dikhta nahi hoon is exactly the opposite of what Young Stunners achieved this year. Wherever you go; here or there, Young stunners were everywhere. Tis’ the effect they had on Neemos. We all want to rap now. But not everyone can be like them, with no flaws. Cause they rap for a purpose, unka career aik cause.
“Industry karay follow, brands go where I go”- The Talha duo is exceptionally talented and have some superpower skills to predict future too. Because this year Young Stunners collaborated with big brands and produced incredible music. And literally brands were following them. Their words do come true.
Dear Young Stunners – Basar kartay hain hamaray dil mein, apki batein aur apkei ganay. Kabhi ayein na Neemoverse bhi, humsei milnay kisi bahanay!!
Promise – Shamoon Ismail
A promising singer sang a very promising song called ‘promises’ this year. Ahhh! I finally got the chance to write this immensely not-so-funny line and can breathe a sigh of relief. Okay this song ticked all the boxes. One cannot, NOT like promises by Shamoon Ismail. Dil Jeet lia Shamoon Ismail nei Promises gaa kar. Oh btw, Shamoon ismail – Tere khial mukde na! Can you do the same tho? Haina!
Jaanam Fida e Haideri – Aayat Arif
The moment I heard this track, I was like WHAAAAT and when I watched the music video of Jaanam Fida e Haideri, Oh my God! How can a baby be this talented? YES Please! Tell me. Okay seriously, I want to know how she does ‘riaaaz’? Wait, does she eat tiger biscuit everyday and get tiger ki taqat? Whatever she is doing or not doing, is working well for her. Jaanam Fida e Haideri was one of the best Pakistani track of 2021. So, you little angel, just keep it up!
This is the Neemos list of best Pakistani songs of 2021. You can tell us yours in the comments section below with your picks – make sure they are of 2021 !