Shoaib Akhtar announced his biopic titled Rawalpindi Express was in the works. Post the announcement, Umair Jaswal shared a picture on Instagram adorned in Shoaib Akhtar’s number 14 shirt.
Umair Jaswal, a pop singer and actor in his native Pakistan, will play the main role in the biopic “Rawalpindi Express,” which is based on the life of former Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Akhtar.
he famous cricketer has decided to tell his own story in the form of a biopic and named it after his on field nickname, which he got for being one of the fastest bowlers of his time.
With all sorts of cricket formats in action in 2022, the Legends League is all set to debut. It will be hosted by Oman at Al Amerat Cricket Stadium. Â The tournament starts with the matches for the league on January 20, 2022, and will continue till January 29, 2022.Â
On Tuesday 26th Oct, things took a rather bold turn when a mere disagreement between Niaz and Akhtar turned into an insult on live TV which compelled the legendary former fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar to resign on air.