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What is the Best Psychological Thriller on Netflix Right Now?
Thrillers are among of the most popular shows in the planet.
First Look Of Selahaddin Eyyubi Released
Imran stressed the need to familiarise the younger generation with Muslim history and expressed the hope that the use of multimedia could prove helpful in this regard. “The series on the life of Salahuddin Ayyubi will make the youth aware of his historic role,” he said.
in Entertainment, Kahaanian, Movies, Showbiz
Emmy Award Winner Of 2022
Squid Game became a super hit at the Emys bagging several nominations and award for the best actor in their name.
Disney Character “Groot” Makes Waves
The voice over for Baby Groot is Vin Diesel and the simplest way to describe I Am Groot is it’s about a toddler doing toddler things. Just like a human toddler, Baby Groot starts each day with wondrous curiosity. His childlike curiosity eventually leads to accidental destruction because he throws a tantrum when things don’t go his way.
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Stranger Things Season 4 Teaser Out
The most anticipated Hollywood series Stranger Things is back with season 4 along with all the thrill, suspense, drama, horror, and whatnot.
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Hawkeye series released on Disney Plus
The first two episodes aired on the 24th of November and inarguably, the series seems to be a seasonal treat.