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CoRe Alliance – A Solution To Eliminate Package Waste

In order to counter plastic waste and all the environmental issues faced due to this, Pakistan’s first packaging alliance CoRe presents and enforces solutions to eliminate package waste.

Plastic consumption all over the world has proven to be hazardous for the environment. Not just the consumption the way it is disposed of, is what concerns the environmentalist. The plastic waste dumped in oceans, seas, or rivers gives rise to air pollution and poses threat to aquatic life as well. With the increase in plastic consumption, it seems like there will be no fish left in the seas. In order to counter plastic waste and all the environmental issues faced due to this, Pakistan’s first packaging alliance CoRe presents and enforces solutions to eliminate package waste.

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Pakistan and the Problem of Plastic Waste

Every year the seas get approximately 8 million tons of plastic waste. Did you know that out of all the waste materials, plastic is the slowest to decay? You’ll be stunned to know that it takes 300 years for a plastic bottle to decay and almost 500 years for the simple plastic bag (yes, the ones you have stashed up in your homes). Plastic bags are our mother’s favorite collection. That collection could be passed on to the next 10 generations or even more that’s how long these plastic bags stay around. Now imagine when they are dumbed in an ocean, do you really think they’ll sink in the water or get dissolved? In Pakistan, 65 percent of the waste is plastic waste. Presently, approximately, 55 billion plastic bags are being used. Half of them are in our houses, getting ready to play their part in degrading the environment.

However, some organizations have taken it upon themselves to eliminate plastic waste from the country and CoRe Alliance is one of them.

CoRe – The Collect and Recycle Alliance

An alliance that comprises the country’s top packaging and consumer goods companies, NGOs, and recyclers. The intention of CoRe is to put in place a circular economy. According to this, companies and organizations will adopt an effective mechanism for reusing and recycling waste. The alliance aims to put in place a formal collection and recycling system. A much-needed solution to all the problems caused by plastic waste.

The organization has some set goals that it wants to attain such as becoming waste neutral, carrying out public awareness campaigns regarding the collection and recycling methods, working with policymakers to shape policies that promote sustainability, and working in tandem with other alliance members to work on innovative packaging solutions.

CoRe envisions a waste-free future for Pakistan just like us and to achieve it, the alliance is doing everything in its power to create a system equipped to manage the country’s waste in an effective manner. A system that will be a greener solution to all the waste-related environmental problems.

Written by Team Neemopani


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