Pakistanis Travelling To UAE – No Need For PCR

The UAE government has relaxed the condition for a RAT at the airport on arrival. Pakistani passengers will only present the negative PCR test certificate that is conducted 48 hours before boarding the flight.

Pakistanis Travelling To UAE - No Need For PCR

Covid cases are declining in Pakistan. There have been travel restrictions for Pakistani traveling abroad. Also, Pakistan has been on a red list, but we have been doing fairly well as compared to the neighboring countries. UAE has relaxed the restrictions for Pakistanis. Now there is no need for PCR, which is great.

The fifth wave has affected Pakistan severely, but because of precautions, the cases have now declined. The CAA had already relaxed the restrictions for inbound flights. There is no need for a Rapid antigen test (RAT).

Declining Positivity Rate

The positivity rate has declined to 3.4%. NCOC has lifted restrictions, with life getting back to normal. Karachi, Hyderabad, and Peshawar had restrictions because of the high positivity rate. However, now that the positivity rate has declined, these cities have also eased up the restrictions on government orders. There are still cities and districts that have a positivity rate above 10%. The restrictions will stay in place for them. Gilgit, Muzaffarabad, and Mardan still have a high positivity rate.

PCR not needed

Last year in August, the UAE authorities had made it compulsory for Pakistani travelers to get a negative rapid PCR test that was to be conducted within four hours before the departure of a flight. The UAE government has relaxed the condition for a RAT at the airport on arrival. Pakistani passengers will only present the negative PCR test certificate that is conducted 48 hours before boarding the flight. It should have a QR code so that it can be verified. It should be obtained from an approved health facility. They would take PCR when they arrive and have to quarantine till the test comes negative. Passengers that are in transit flights don’t need to present a PCR certificate until and unless the destination has made it necessary.

Saifullah, the CAA spokesperson, said, “The 48-hour period will start from the time they submitted the sample to a laboratory. Passengers will also undergo a PCR test on arrival in Dubai and will self-quarantine until the results are released.”

The UAE authorities issued an update, “They must be tested on arrival in Dubai, irrespective of their valid negative Covid-19 RT-PCR certificate from the point of origin.”

We hope that the countries which have still placed restrictions and kept us on the red list should relax their restrictions so that people who have been bound for long can travel again.

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Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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