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DIY Dresses For The Summer Season

Summer is just around the corner and with that, the heat waves are soon to be upon us. Yes, being alive for so many years now would mean that we have gotten used to it – used to the summers and the heat but we have not. Not yet, anyway. Because of it, the biggest hurdle that we all feel is how to dress up in summers. That too, in a way that you look nice and at the same time don’t die because of sweaty clothes. It is for this reason that we have brought to you the three best summer DIY dresses.

  1. Long gown

The ideal thing to do is wear long gowns. They are ideal because of the fact that they are long, and are made of simple clothing which makes them super easy to wear and you won’t feel super crowded or sweat as much. And if you want to change it – then all you have to do is wear different types of belts and a viola new look.

  1. T-shirts and Shalwar

Hear us out – it may seem odd to some but t-shirts over shalwar look super amazing. You can tuck it in to give it a new look and you won’t be sweating as much either. It is super fun, easy, and casually classic.

  1. Loose shirts with trousers

A person can wear anything as long as they know how to carry it.  This DIY is just another of that. All one has to do is buy a few pairs of trousers and shirts and use them alternatively. It is simple and classic. This is especially amazing because a person can also wear these to the office and for meetings.

In summers, the other dresses include wearing T-shirts and trousers, and best of all – sleeveless shalwar kameez. They are super comfy and you are not constantly worried about sweating and feeling hot in that meeting room or that class.

But really a person can wear anything and if at times they don’t know what to wear then just simply look at your closet and we are sure you will find something to wear. Something unique because creativity comes when a person knows that they want to wear something light and look classy at the same time.

But really, summers are nearly upon us and so in the spirit of that – let’s drink a lot of water, keep ourselves safe from too much exposure to the sun, and make it the best summer of our life!

Divas who slay the Saree trend

Written by Team Neemopani


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