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  • Saturdays Free
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    A Nonsense Guide To Getting Your Saturdays Free

    The Saturday holidays are quite fickle. Lucky are those who manage to avail it. However, some of us aren’t so lucky at all. Some are required to work on Saturdays that means you will have to work for six days a week. Considering how kind and affectionate corporate culture is, sometimes people also want you to work on Sundays. Plus points if you sacrifice your sleep and family for your corporate overlords…

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    Government Employees Are Going To Lose Their Saturday Sleep

    it seems that the pains of government employees have only begun. Why? Only recently, the government has made a policy that is going to cost all the government employees something more precious than all the assets in the world. That thing is called, ‘Saturday sleep.’ We all know Saturday sleep, right? Some of the office goers and lucky employees working in private firms get to avail that.

  • 4 Middle Child Things In Desi Households
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    4 Middle Child Things In Desi Households

    Desi households are the equivalent of human zoos. If it is not the elder child exercising their privileges upon the younger siblings, the rant of desi mothers about an unclean house will surely be echoing in the air. In some ways, desi households are full-blown sitcoms in real life. But the most entertaining part is the life of siblings in desi households

  • Violent Gang
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    A Very Violent Gang Commits a Cheesy Theft

    Ever heard of cheese jokes? Well, 2022 has a way of telling them. Only recently, a very violent gang (the real-life cow beaters and cattle lashers) recently chose a very interesting thing to steal. This so-called violent gang ended up doing a heist of Dutch cheese weighing 3500 pounds which was worth $23,000. After this heist, we are sure that Dutch cheese is now the equivalent of food cryptocurrency.

  • Meat Steaks
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    Meat Steaks Grown In Lab By NASA

    scientists have found another way to make the meat tastier. The billion-dollar genius idea is that to taste the real meat, you have got to taste the real meat. The scientists at International Space Station (ISS) will look to produce a steak that will be the ones to take this initiative. Bovine cells from cows will be used to grow full steak-sized meat.

  • Weird Food Combos
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    Weird Food Combos That Pakistanis Love

    Weird food combos Pakistanis love – There is literally a list of some of the weirdest food combos that some Pakis will find very normal. For some, these food combos might be disgusting or even indigestible. However, some of us love and even gulp them in copious amounts.

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