4 Middle Child Things In Desi Households

Desi households are the equivalent of human zoos. If it is not the elder child exercising their privileges upon the younger siblings, the rant of desi mothers about an unclean house will surely be echoing in the air. In some ways, desi households are full-blown sitcoms in real life. But the most entertaining part is the life of siblings in desi households

4 Middle Child Things In Desi Households

Desi households are the equivalent of human zoos. If it is not the elder child exercising their privileges upon the younger siblings, the rant of desi mothers about an unclean house will surely be echoing in the air. In some ways, desi households are full-blown sitcoms in real life. But the most entertaining part is the life of siblings in desi households. Chances are if you grew up in a desi setting, you will be able to identify many common occurring themes that only transpire in a typical Pakistani house. Whether it is the controversial hobbies that parents find acceptable within younger siblings, or the fact that the elder brother is dating but considers it haram in front of parents, there are plenty of things you will find only in a desi household. However, if you are a middle child, your life automatically becomes infinitely more miserable. Sandwiched between elder and younger siblings, you will often find that life can be outright spicy, especially in desi settings. Given below are several things that you will recognize as a desi household middle child.

  1. No Solo Pictures

The only solo pics that you will have are your selfies and they are saved either on your PC, or they are saved in your cellphones. While scouring through the family albums, you will see that family always hangs out with you. It is not that they love you that much, it is just that they have trouble identifying you as an individual human being.

  1. You are the Cameraman

Don’t fall into the trap! Whenever you are told that you take the best pictures. Get prepared to live a life of servitude and take pics at family functions. No matter what happens, you cannot get rest because congrats, you are now the family cameraman.

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  1. You are the Driver

Another shortcoming of being a middle child is being an active driver for the family. If someone comes and asks to you start practicing your driving skills on the newly purchased car, don’t fall into this trap. You will be asked to do family errands. The elder sibling will be too busy and the younger will have at least another dozens of excuses to not drive the car.

  1. Used Items are Yours

Clothes, books, or that bicycle are now yours because the elder sibling is done with it. It obviously cannot pass to your youngest sibling because they are too pampered and will demand new products. Of course, you will have to take the brunt because you are…you guessed it…the middle child.

Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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