Pakistan Television (PTV) intends to bring back childhood memories by airing Ainakwala Jinn, a popular children’s programme from the past.
Produced by PTV, the show was aired for four seasons, becoming a fan favourite. Due to the hit that the show was, it was re-aired twice after its initial run, to great public appreciation.

TV star and show creator Haseeb Pasha stated, “I recently spoke with PTV officials at the Lahore station, and they expressed a desire to revive the show on the miniscreen.” In the 1990s, he said, a whole generation grew up watching this children’s programme on television and associated it with indelible memories.
A couple of weeks ago, a puppet theatre was added to the revamped performance, which has been taking place at the Alhamra Arts Centre on The Mall since February 2022. This puppet theatre had a long history; it was introduced three decades ago by TV performer and producer Samina Ahmed, who was formerly the Deputy Director of Programs at the Lahore Arts Council.
The dual performance of Ainak Wala Jin and Putli Tamasha attracts large crowds, primarily children, to Alhamra every Sunday. Children are given treats by a “fairy,” and they are thrilled and enjoy the atmosphere.
Ainakwala Jinn is an educational programme that teaches children the importance of peace, harmony, patriotism, teacher respect, and the value of the truth through various segments. The stage, lighting system, decorations, and costumes have been updated.