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Pakistan’s Nasir Abbas wins Tent Pegging World Cup 2023 Bronze

On the first day of the 2023 Tent Pegging World Cup in George, South Africa, Nasir Abbas from Pakistan won a bronze award in the individual lance event.

Abbas was still one of Pakistan’s best players on Thursday when the team was in fifth place after the first day of the tournament.

On the first day, riders competed in seven different lance runs. There were two individual runs, two pair runs, and three team runs.

Abbas from Pakistan got the bronze award for his skillful play on the first day of the event. He was named the third-best player of the day. Abdul Wahab and Rashid Al Marri, both from Saudi Arabia, were the best players in the lance tournament.

Abbas did not lose a single point throughout any of his seven runs and was able to successfully pierce, pick up, and carry the peg in each of those runs in order to get over all of the 42 points.

When the three riders’ times were added together, the Saudi Arabian cyclists came out ahead of Abbas because of the faster average pace of their run overall.

All three riders had scored 42 points.
Jordan stayed in first place among the teams, followed by Saudi Arabia in second place and Egypt in third place. Pakistan currently occupies the fifth spot.

Egypt got 150 points, Saudi Arabia got 154 points, and India is in fourth place with 145.5 points.

After the first day, Pakistan had 144 points. If Wajahatullah had hit his goal in the team run, they would have been in third place.

On Friday, the “sword” group will be the focus of the second day of the tournament. They will run in seven of them.

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On Saturday, the last day of the competition, there will be six runs: two for rings and peg, two for lemons and peg, and two for relay.

At the end of the three-day race, the World Champion will be the team that has earned the most points over the course of 20 runs.

Written by Shaheer Ahmed

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