In 1972, the US sent Apollo to the Moon, after which we collected samples of soil and rocks from the surface of the moon. These samples have not been opened or tested in the last 50 years, but 2022 came as a surprise for everyone. According to some researchers, there are 2,196 rocks samples collected, whereas according to other people, we only have 3 rock samples. Whatever it may be, we are just happy with the fact that we now starting to test the samples collected some centuries ago.
NASA knew “science and technology would evolve and allow scientists to study the material in new ways to address new questions in the future,” Lori Glaze, director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters, said in a statement.
These samples have been contained in two different vacuum containers. The first one was opened in February, better known as the outer core, which proved that the rock and soils have been perfectly sealed, and had not escaped.
The reason why NASA has yet not opened the vacuums is that we do not know of the gases and other chemicals in the land of the moon. We also know that there is no rain on Moon so there is also that complication. And we also don’t know of the concentration of landslides on the Moon.
Thus, in the knowledge of all these uncertainties, scientists of NASA are trying their best to see when the vacuum can be opened. If all goes according to plan, then we will be able to begin to test the soil and rocks on Moon starting from this spring.
“I doubt we’ll wait another 50 years,” said senior curator Ryan Zeigler.
“Particularly once they get Artemis samples back, it might be nice to do a direct comparison in real time between whatever’s coming back from Artemis, and with one of these remaining unopened cores, sealed cores,” he said.
Artemis is NASA’s next moon mission, which they plan to launch in 2025 because the agency wants to send humans back to the moon and test the land once again with more technology, and better awareness about outer space.
Considering all of this, it is safe to assume that soon, we will have more knowledge about the other planets and if life on them is possible or not. All of this is very important because humans have destroyed the environment of Earth, and we must do all that we can to make sure that we leave sustainable solutions for the next generations.