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Get Paid To Eat Junk Food!

there is an amazing company in the UK that is going to award you for eating greasy junk food. That’s right. Your pastime hobby or your favorite thing after that dreadful breakup can be your full-time job. The best part? You get paid PKR 1 Lakhs. If someone calls you fat and lazy, just ask them how much they are making and how they are making it.

Note: This is a satire and spoof article.

Have you ever been told that you are quite lazy at your job? Does every day seem like an endless struggle? You might even risk your entire career for that extra five minutes of sleep. And the worst part? No summer vacations.

Hopefully, we haven’t inspired you to quit your job. That is the task of your job itself, not us. However, we do have news that might just give you a bit of hope. If not, then that is most definitely not on us but just hear us out.

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What if you are doing the wrong job? The corporate world has been lying to us all these years. We are led to believe in the traditional roles of managers, leaders, and engineers as well as writers. But this article is about to reveal all the lies that the corporate world has fed you. The world is so much more diverse.

For example, there is an amazing company in the UK that is going to award you for eating greasy junk food. That’s right. Your pastime hobby or your favorite thing after that dreadful breakup can be your full-time job. The best part? You get paid PKR 1 Lakhs. If someone calls you fat and lazy, just ask them how much they are making and how they are making it.

While binging on the greasy fast food, what you can do further is to add Netflix and chill.

This job posted by, “” is the absolute gold standard for all. The perks are literally so many that you will ignore all the harms fast food is doing to your body.  The title of the job is ‘Takeaway Tester’. As a takeaway tester, you will serve in the esteemed position of a human experiment. You will have to see if the food is poisoned or not, or if it induces a coma in you after you eat. But who cares for health! Because of PKR 1 LAKH!

Of course, if you want to switch careers, there is also the option of garbage tester or the most in-demand job of bride kidnapper expert.

Written by Team Neemopani


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