Desi Ami and Personal Space – No Mix At All

Chances are if you grew up in a desi household, your personal life is not so personal. Nearly everyone from your great aunt to that distant annoying cousin residing in another city might know about your latest crush and the time at which you enter your house late at night.

Desi Ami and Personal Space

Note: This is a satire article with a few exaggerated points. The purpose is to form a funny opinion based on real-life experiences.

Chances are if you grew up in a desi household, your personal life is not so personal. Nearly everyone from your great aunt to that distant annoying cousin residing in another city might know about your latest crush and the time at which you enter your house late at night.

Don’t even think about protesting or attempting to lecture your parents about the concept of personal space. Chances are if you are in a desi household, your personal space is going to be trampled all over.

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You might very well be a 25 years old individual, might have a career and a job, and you will still be living in their house (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing).

It is one of the dilemmas of desi families that they lack any concept of personal space. You might very well be chilling in your room, texting that childhood friend or old crush (that’s alright) and someone might barge in. If it is that annoying sibling, you will surely be ignored (who knows they aren’t doing the same).

But if God forbid it is your desi ama, prepare to spend the next few hours trying to defend your ground. Kis se baat kr rhey ho, and kon hae phone pr will be the questions that will be asked to you multiple times.

You might get the gist. There are many reasons why the concept of privacy is kind of a rare commodity in a desi household. First, no matter how much you grow up, you are always going to be their child. That is because you most probably slept in their room till the age of 12 or some even do it in their late years. This automatically means that you are a forever child to them, even when you will have kids.

Another concept plays an essential role in the lack of privacy. Some of our families are led to believe that freedom means lack of responsibility. Chances are, if they see us enjoying our life to the fullest and not caring a whit about what others are thinking, then we are either spoiled or out of hands.

Of course none of this sits well with desi ami who would rather have you scolded than enjoy too much of your time alone.

But in the end, we must always remember that desi ama is always trying to look out for us. Even thought it might be irritating time to time, it is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, some of us have started relying on their care. Besides, some desi amas are also opening their minds following this century and now they have begun taking our privacy into consideration.

Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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