A New Series Based on Pakistani Politics – Game of Kursi

Disclaimer: The article is a spoof parody of the actual political dramas going on in Pakistan.

Pakistani politics is one of the most interesting things in the entire world. It presents some of the most amazing dramas in the entire world. You will find political turmoil, antagonistic forces affecting one lone wolf hero who keeps crying praises about Pakistan, and well…there is also some drama associated with the courts. Only recently, there was a fiasco about Chauhdary Shujaat withdrawing support from his cousin named Pervaiz Ilahi. And then, all hell broke loose.

In another news, a K-pop artist has found a new inspiration as he watches Geo News on an everyday basis. Apart from developing a newfound sense of enlightenment, the K-pop artist has also thought of a completely new series based on his own inspiration.

According to the K-pop artist, the new series will be named, “A Game of Kursi.” The Game of Kursi will revolve around an incredibly handsome king who has been uprooted by another political force known as PDM (Phoenix Demanding Militia). The PDM comes forward with its leaders from all over the country. The handsome prime minister, we mean the king, leads speeches. However, the courts rule in the favor of the Phoenix Squad and now the country has a new system of governance.

Holier Than Thou-When You Lose Common Sense

The prices of horses and the hay fuel goes up and the completely new currency of the kingdom known as PKR (Philanthropist K Rumba) loses its value against dollar. One night, the handsome king is about the secure new votes. However, a sharp and poisonous vizier manages to cause mayhem and then someone named Shujaat John betrays his own cousin whose name is Pervaiz Monstordom.  The ten knights who swore their allegiance to the handsome king but now its all over since the council named Supreme Court is not going to allow anything.

The K-Pop artist is now contemplating what is going to happen next. Nobody knows what’s going to happen….

Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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