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3 Reasons How Swearing is Perfect For Your Mental Health

Ever feel like hurling yourself across the room in hopes of hitting your head on the perfect spot? It might earn you a good vacation spot. Or perhaps, you have thought of changing your identity and moving to another place.

Man holding swear word sign in front of his mouth

Ever feel like hurling yourself across the room in hopes of hitting your head on the perfect spot? It might earn you a good vacation spot. Or perhaps, you have thought of changing your identity and moving to another place.

Humor aside, all of this is because of many mental stresses and issues you haven’t dealt with. Having mental issues is a lot like having an injury that is constantly hurting you, but you cannot show it or express it. It is that painful feeling that seems to constantly gnaw at your subconscious until you can express it.

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This is why this article is going to focus on a unique way of relieving yourself of all the mental stresses. Of course, what we are suggesting is not going to substitute medical care, but it is definitely going to relax you a bit. The best way to release stress is…cursing! We are not kidding at all. It is scientifically proven research that the more you curse, the better your mental health is. Whenever you swear or land an f-bomb, your mental health is stopped from going on a vacation. Given below are reasons why swearing is so good for your mental health.

  1. Instant Release

Ever wanted to smack someone’s head and you almost did so. But then at the end, you managed to calm yourself with the f-word, and boy it felt so good! It is almost akin to an instant release, which can save you from an emotional explosion. For some, their morning doesn’t start without uttering the f-word at least fifty times. It helps them release their pent-up tension.

  1. It is an Emotional Response

When you are swearing, you are actively engaging both the emotional side of your brain as well as its language side. The f-bomb is an emotional response of frustration or when you are seriously annoyed or angry. In a way, this word is directly connected to your emotions and allows you to express your emotions with the miracle of one word.

  1. It Increases Your Resistance

Do you know what makes you endure the discomfort of a situation again? Using the f-word! We are not kidding at all. Every time you release the pent-up tension by swearing, you are actually building up your resistance against the screw-ups of life. Next time when that tire bursts or when the glass casing breaks, make sure to speak it as many times as you feel strong.

Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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