Karachi’s Harrowing Eat Fest 2023

The three-day Karachi Eat Festival concluded in turmoil and disorganisation, as footage on social media revealed.

Karachi’s Eat fest had a lot of distress and disturbing events, which led the fans highly disappointed. Nonetheless, Karachi eat becomes Karachi Beats.

Some witnesses at Beach View Park reported seeing stags breach one of the entrances while many troublemakers entered the site without tickets. Following that, videos of the violent crowd went viral, with many criticising the organisers for a poorly-managed event. Gates were destroyed. Families were persecuted, Salman Muhammad, whose family and friends were also there when this tragedy occurred.

The attendees who visited this eat fest shared their harrowing experiences they had on this night. A female girl on Twitter says on sharing that the visitors mostly boys, entered the area without tickets. They just climbed the walls and started to harass the women. The police did try to control them but the majority always wins.

Kaifi Khalil and Ali Tariq said in their recent posts that they were completely disappointed by the worst behaviour of the crowd. The girls and families who did come to enjoy and cherish the event, were harassed by the group of people who lacked decency and normal attributes.

One more attendee shares that stags broke the fence and forcefully entered Karachi eat today. People literally had to jump and climb the walls to get safely out of that fest. Such events must be completely banned if they cannot provide the security.

Women in the family section were also not safe. Tents were no longer in place and the management switched off the lights which further worsened the situation.

Young singers like Kaifi Khalil refused to sing in such a devastating situation. After which, the management just packed up everything. The security was none the less nowhere. These are the events which must have a security control at every nook and hook.


Written by Team Neemopani


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