‘Glazed Donut Skin’ is Trending in 2023

The term “Glazed Donut Skin” refers to the trend of having clear glass skin that is smooth, shiny, soft, and yes, you guessed it, hydrated. 

Glazed Donut Skin
Glazed Donut Skin

People who are passionate about skincare are currently going crazy over a new trend that has emerged in the cosmetics industry and is being referred to as the “Glazed Donut Skin.”

This skincare routine that is ‘Glazed Donut Skin’, which is said to have been inspired by the well-known dessert, claims to be able to restore the natural glow of your skin and make you appear several years younger.

What do you know about this skincare routine and what do you need to know? The glazed donut skin looks exactly the same as it does. It goes up in applying the moisturizer to the skin prior to going to bed, in order to ensure that when you awake, your face will be glowing (but not greasy) and shimmering (but not in a tight or shiny way).

Of course, there are other ways to achieve glazed skin besides just using skincare products. The high points of the face, such as the cheeks, collarbones, or forehead, can be given a dewy appearance and a glazed donut effect with the application of liquid highlighter in a strategic manner.

Makeup that is not heavy and is easily absorbed by the skin can also contribute to the overall appearance, particularly formulations that include glazed donut essentials like glycerin or hyaluronic acid.

Hailey Bieber uses a time-tested routine for his skin care: She uses a serum on damp skin, followed by a hydrating moisturizer after she’s finished cleansing twice. She uses face oil to make her skin look more dewy and radiant. Find a moisturizer that makes you look like a glazed donut at the end of the day,” Bieber advised as she promoted the Rhode’s products in her skincare line. Moreover, she says that keep in mind that the keys to glowing skin are regular moisturizing and maintaining proper hydration of the skin.


Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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