Elon Musk Changes Twitter logo of Iconic Blue Bird Into a White X

Elon Musk got rid of the Twitter Logo on Monday, changing the well-known blue bird with a white X. This is part of his efforts to fix the social media giant, which is struggling.

new twitter logo

Elon Musk got rid of the Twitter Logo on Monday, changing the well-known blue bird with a white X. This is part of his efforts to fix the social media giant, which is struggling.

Musk and the new CEO of the company, Linda Yaccarino, announced the rebranding on Sunday. They are getting rid of one of the most well-known names in technology. This is Musk’s latest shocking move since he took over Twitter nine months ago.

Musk has been connected to the letter X for almost 24 years, when he started X.com, which was later changed PayPal against Musk’s wishes. His space company is called SpaceX, and earlier this year, the company that owns Twitter changed its name to X.

He said the Twitter logo was “minimalist art deco,” and he changed his Twitter name to “X.com,” which now sends people to twitter.com.

The CEO of Tesla also said in a tweet that a post on the new site would be called “an X.”

Musk has said that his purchase of the biggest social media company was “an accelerator for making X, the everything app.” X is a social media platform, message app, and payment app that is based on China’s WeChat.

“You pretty much live on WeChat in China because it’s so useful and easy to use,” he said at a Twitter town hall meeting in June of last year.

On Sunday night, the new Twitter logo was shown on the front of Twitter’s offices in San Francisco.

“Powered by AI, X will connect us in ways we’re just beginning to imagine,” tweeted Yaccarino earlier.

Musk hired Yaccarino, a former NBCUniversal ad sales executive, to be Twitter’s CEO last month. Yaccarino said that the social media site was about to grow in scope.

X is the future state of unlimited interaction based on audio, video, messaging, payments/banking, and creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities.”

People liked the old logo, which had become a sign of the social media age, and some didn’t like the new one.

Martin Grasser, one of the original creators of the blue bird image, said on social media that the symbol was meant to be “simple, balanced, and readable at very small sizes.”

The design was approved by Twitter’s founder, Jack Dorsey, in 2012. He responded to Grasser with a goat emoji, which means “greatest of all time.”

A former head of product at Twitter, Esther Crawford, said that the change was a kind of “corporate seppuku,” which is a Japanese ritual death for samurais.

This is “usually done by new management trying to cut costs because they don’t understand the core business or don’t care about the customer experience,” she said.

Since Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion last October, the advertising business on the platform has fallen. This is because marketers didn’t like the way Musk ran the company and the mass firings at the company that stripped content filtering.

Musk said last week that Twitter’s advertising income has dropped by about half since he took over.

In answer, the millionaire who runs SpaceX is trying to find new ways to make money by building a group of subscribers.

People think that around 200 million people use Twitter every day, but it has had a lot of technical problems since Musk fired a lot of its staff.

Many users and marketers have been unhappy with the social media site’s new fees for services that used to be free, its changes to how it moderates material, and the return of right-wing accounts that had been banned in the past.

This month, Facebook’s parent company, Meta, also started Threads, a text-based app that some say has as many as 150 million users.

Is Elon Musk leaving as CEO of Twitter?

Sensor Tower, a company that studies the market, says that since the alternative app came out, users have spent less and less time on it.

Written by Team Neemopani


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