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Dr. Michael Ain, Who Stood Strong Despite Rejection

Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Michael Craig Ain, 59, is the sole dwarf in his middle-class Jewish family of four children. He is barely 4 feet 3 inches tall.

Dr. Michael Ain rejected so many times but now a surgeon at Hopkins University.

Meet Dr. Michael Ain, a man who was initially denied admission to a number of medical schools due to his short height, but is now a consultant pediatric orthopedic surgeon at Johns Hopkins, one of the most highly regarded medical facilities in the United States.

Ain’s accomplishments have helped Johns Hopkins earn a reputation as one of the best medical institutions in the country. We don’t know what else could possibly be more motivating than this!

On each application, he stated that he was a little person and that “Because I am, it molded me.” He sent this statement to twenty to thirty different medical schools.

During the admissions process, those who interviewed Michael voiced their reservations, expressing the belief that he would not be able to reach the bedside of his patients, that he would not be strong enough, and that he would not earn the respect of his patients and peers. Even though Dr. Ain had an answer to all of their questions, he continued to get rejection letters. In point of fact, he was not accepted into any of the medical schools to which he applied.

Dr. Michael Ain was denied from two orthopedic surgery residencies after he had already spent a year in a pediatrics residency in California. ”If your record is as good as anybody else’s, you’ll get in,” the head of Albany Medical College assured him when he was discouraged from going to a third school. It makes no difference if you are 4’3″ or 6’3″ in height. We’re taking you,” and they meant it.

After hearing a tale about how he had given hope to a family whose daughter had achondroplasia, he wanted to make a change. He put in for a fellowship at Johns Hopkins Hospital, where the orthopedic surgery department was broadening its focus to include skeletal dysplasias. He was accepted and has quickly risen to prominence as a leading physician.

It does conclude that one must never give up on their hope and should continue to strive for success.


Written by Team Neemopani


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