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‘Anti-Rape’ Act & its Implementation

Rape and Gender-based violence against women is very prevalent in Pakistan. There has been no proper implementation of policies for such criminals for some years now.

Rape and Gender-based violence against women is very prevalent in Pakistan. There has been no proper implementation of policies for such criminals for some years now. The registered cases would go on for trial, and the judgments given to the people have not been severe or according to their crimes. Furthermore, cases with media attention tend to get prolonged in courts until the people start to forget them; a case in point is the Noor Mukadam case.

However, in August, an Anti-Rape Bill was passed. There were a lot of contradictions from the extremists as to the implementation of the points highlighted in the bill. Yesterday, a session was held by infamous anchors and journals to discuss the impact of media on the implementation of the bill.

The following were the significant points passed in the bill

  • establishment of special courts;
  • creation of anti-rape crisis cells in public hospitals to ensure prompt registration and medical examination,
  • Two-finger virginity tests to be abolished,
  • use of modern devices during investigation and trial;
  • legal assistance to the victims on a pro bono basis;
  • enlistment of independent support advice to provide support to the victims;
  • appointment of special prosecution for special courts
  • Joint Investigation Teams headed by District Police Officers;
  • constitution of a special committee on a pro bono basis to ensure overall implementation of the law;
  • Rules for providing medical and legal examination and investigation and prosecution guidelines premised upon the latest modern techniques and devices;
  • maintaining the data of sex offenders through NADRA;
  • a public reporting mechanism since the entire Nation has been called upon to fight the menace of sexual offenses against women and children; and
  • punishment for false investigation or complaint

The passing of this bill was an essential aspect in improving the country’s condition for the safety of women and children. The general public is all following this act. Since yesterday, this has been trending on Twitter, and people have been posting on their feeds with positive feedback.


Do you agree with this bill? Is there anything else you think would be a vital addition to this bill? Let us know in the comment section below.

Written by Team Neemopani


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