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7 Ways To Treat Yourself When You’re Feeling Down

The changing weather has got people excited and some of them sad because honestly, winters are a little gloomy and they helplessly make you feel all the things you don’t normally feel in summers.

The year 2020 has left us with a scar and in 2021 we are still trying to recover from the trauma of it. Even though the vaccination has been effectively done and the health care has stabilized, yet the fear of covid has made a home inside all of us. Even a small sneeze raises a lot of questions making you feel terrible and wanting to question your own existence.

It’s hard to avoid any symptom now because obviously we were left with a shock with the miseries covid brought. It appeared like that one fancy cousin from abroad who steals everyone’s thunder by their loud but temporary presence. A relative that brings something for everyone whether they like it/want it or not but they do get a piece of it no matter what.

Now that things are under control and we are back to our regular sadness from our premium lockdown sadness, we are also back to our regular viruses rather than just covid.

The changing weather has got people excited and some of them sad because honestly, winters are a little gloomy and they helplessly make you feel all the things you don’t normally feel in summers.

There is this weird guilt of getting ill amidst global pandemic. The part where your body gets lazy, your brain slows down, your eyes are watery, and you are cranky all the time. The lack of productivity, motivation and strength constantly keeps bothering you hopeless and dramatic.

But we are all dealing with it one way or the other, there is something comforting about this dull cold winter vibe that we just can’t stop obsessing over it.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with the mellow winter vibes but we here at Neemopani have combined a list of things one can do this winter season.

  1. Binge watching:
    This is something we all love doing even when we have time and once we start watching something there is this urge to finish it. We miss our current favorite show waiting for the day at work to end so we get in our PJs, just to get back to it.
  2. Comfort Drinking:
    Big mugs, big clothes and slipper Uggs are the most comfortable things to hold on to while its winters. Be it a huge mug of coffee or tea, a bowl of soup or even warm porridge, it just makes us feel so, so good and oddly satisfied.

  3. Knitting and DIY:
    Knitting and other basic DIY activities finally get our attention on days like these. Creative work is always therapeutic and calming. Knitting therefore, is one sophisticated skill which youngsters are now eager to learn as well. Maybe this is the reason that our grandmas are so composed.
  4. Reading:
    Be it a classic novel, a fiction, romance, a self-help book, an article in the paper or even a short poem or a quote that makes you feel some type of way on your Instagram feed, it is always good to read something in order to keep your mind occupied and to learn something new.
  5. Self-Manicure:
    An activity people like it when someone else does it for them but on our days off, this is what we love doing to ourselves, fixing our cuticles, filing our nails and buffing them to the finest.
  6. De clutter and organise:
    A task that’s always pending is organizing and de cluttering our wardrobes, drawers and our bookshelves. We get so occupied with our monotonous routine that the mess keeps multiplying. This activity is the best therapy as it clearly helps you to get rid of all the jumble, making you feel better and giving a sense of accomplishment.
  7. Meditation:
    Not many people these days are practicing meditation these days, but it helps with boosting a person’s mood and calming their nerves. The release of dopamine is what leaves us feeling good and happy.




Written by Team Neemopani


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