People with curly hair are aware of how independent their curls can be. By that, we mean that they may appear just as you desire one moment, and the next, they may be off doing their own thing, and no amount of product will be able to make them behave as you desire.
Being a curly-haired girl myself, I can totally understand that having a good hair day is so much harder than it actually looks. Even if it often feels like you’re at the mercy of your curls, getting them to always perform as you please is as hard as it gets.
But don’t worry girls we have got your back! Here are some key tips to tame those wildlings and look salon fresh every day.
1. Use hydrating products after washing
After you are done shampooing your hair make sure to use a hydrating conditioner to frizz and prevent dry hair. Conditioners will help define your natural curls especially when you twist your hair with your fingers while the conditioner is in them. Another tip to keep hair frizz free and smooth is to apply serum while the hair is still wet.
2. Always comb your hair from the bottom up
Detangling curly hair is a task on its own. To avoid breakage and save the hassle, always comb your hair from the bottom, gradually detangling the knots upwards. Use a wide-toothed comb to avoid frizz to keep the curls intact. To make the detangling process easier, always apply a hair serum to the ends of your hair which will help smooth the knots.
3. Add some mousse
Mousse help keep your lock intact for days. Once applied and you are set till your next wash. The key however is to apply the mousse and twist your hair with your fingers, making curls, rather than scrunching them upwards. This will create more defined curls without tangles.
4. Try the pineapple trick
In order to keep your curls set for the next day, the pineapple trick is the most common way to go. “Pineappling” is a technique in which the hair is loosely gathered at the highest point of the head, usually before sleep. This protects the curl pattern while helping your hair maintain natural volume while also preventing excessive bedhead. Simply take the pony out and give your hair a shake when you’re ready to wear it down.
5. Refresh your curls
It will sound funny to curl already hair but when they’ve gotten saggy or unruly, it’s a great way to perk them up. Instead of washing your hair every day the curls feel loose and saggy, take a curling iron, preferably with a small diameter, and curl the strands that feel like they need a pick-me-up. Washing hair more than twice a week is severely damaging, it’s best to avoid using harsh chemicals found in shampoos on your hair no matter what the hair type is.
Voila, queen! You are ready to own the world with those beautiful locks.