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Ahsan Chugtai – The Pakistani American Making Pakistan Proud

Pakistani-American politician Ahsan Chughtai has recently been named as the senior advisor to New York’s Mayor. Ahsan has been named as the advisor for South Asian and Muslim Affairs. It is worthy of mention that this is the first time ever in the history of New York City.

Pakistan has passed through many monumental difficulties since its creation in 1947. As a nation, we have suffered tragedies, lived through multiple crises, and passed through eras of wars and hardships. Despite the difficulties the country has faced, Pakistan has become a land of raw talent. Our country has harbored many influential personalities who have set out to make this world a better place while at the same time, making Pakistan proud. Recently, a new man has been added to the list of Pakistanis who are making waves around the world. This time, it is the field of politics that the Pakistani has impacted. 

Pakistani-American politician Ahsan Chugtai has recently been named as the senior advisor to New York’s Mayor. Ahsan has been named as the advisor for South Asian and Muslim Affairs. It is worthy of mention that this is the first time ever in the history of New York City. The decision was taken to develop and improve the relations with the Muslim community. Ahsan Chughtai fit the bill which is why he was chosen for the position. Though historic in account, Ahsan’s recent achievement comes as a result of him being a capable leader for the past 20 years. He has been a civic and political leader who has helped numerous elected officials to develop policies for the government. Ahsan is currently helping the government in funding non-profit charity organizations. He is also offering his services in liaising the community agencies and diverse communities 

The news of the Ahsan assuming an important foreign office was shared by Pakistan Consulate in New York on its official Twitter account. The tweet said, “Proud moment as Ahsan Chughtai nominated the first-ever Pakistani American as NYC Mayor Senior Advisor on South Asia and Muslim Affairs.”

The news of Ahsan Chugtai becoming senior advisor to New York’s Mayor is good for Pakistan’s reputation. Back in 2016, our country had often been associated with acts of terrorism and violence. Since then, Pakistan has come a long way and personalities like Ahsan are putting our flag back on the list of respected countries.

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Written by Team Neemopani


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