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YouTubers Disrupted Aurat March 2023

YouTubers are being called out by the organisers of the Aurat March in Lahore for inciting violence and disturbing the march.

Aurat March 2023 didn't go the way it should have been.

Participating women, men, and children in Lahore’s Aurat March 2023, which began on International Women’s Day, March 8, solidified their stance against patriarchy and violence against women on that day. Later that day, the event’s organizers on Twitter claimed that β€œYouTubers sparked violence” and β€œdisrupted” the march because of their presence.

Because of the quick actions of male allies and the police, a potentially dangerous situation was defused and the March was not disturbed. We appreciate it, but this unacceptable behavior must end immediately. Just read the report. There is no mention of the YouTubers by name in the tweet from the event’s organizers.

Ladies on the Aurat march were threatened and beaten upon which the action was taken after some time. But the YouTubers shouldn’t have been allowed to come at the first place and create violence during this march. Still, the women stood strong and kept marching towards the D-chowk.

People have said that this isn’t the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Do Read our article: Will Aurat March take place in Lahore this Year?

Previously, DC of Lahore Rafia Haider had denied permission to organize the Aurat March 2023 in the provincial capital, citing security concerns, supposed public β€˜reservation,’ and fear of a fight with the right-wing Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), who had β€˜organized a program against the Aurat March.

This Aurat March was nonetheless a complete chaos which they said YouTubers created. On Wednesday, however, the Lahore High Court (LHC) reversed the lower court’s ruling and allowed the rally’s organizers to proceed with their plans to hold an arch from the NADRA office in Shimla Pahari to Faletti’s hotel. The verdict announced by Judge Anwaar Hussain also includes eight criteria agreed upon by the organizers and the local authority.

Written by Team Neemopani


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