Recently, Fahad Mustafa took the internet by storm with his collaboration with the fashion guru Hassan Shehryar Yasin. The photoshoot went viral all over social media as Fahad looked breath-taking. It would’nt be wrong if said that many hearts were robbed.
The PTA reported on Saturday that internet connectivity had been restored countrywide, but that social media applications were still suspended and that a decision had not yet been taken about whether to resume use of them.
Infuriated by the arrest, a number of Pakistani celebrities have shown their support for Khan. To name a few, Hasan Raheem, Atiqa Odho, Ahmed Ali Butt, and Zara Peerzada are furious about how events have transpired.
Many users in Pakistan were unable to access Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram on Tuesday night because access to the prominent social media networks has been suspended.
According to Twitter’s policy, users should log in to their account at least once every 30 days to avoid permanent removal due to prolonged inactivity.
Using the microblogging site Twitter, a user posed the question, “As a Pakistani, name a single thing you are proud of?” There were a lot of responses, and some of them undoubtedly caused wistful, lingering grins.
In one interview, Gabol is seen talking about sexual abuse. “There is a saying in English: if rape is imminent, just enjoy it,” states the politician in the clip.