
Ramadan – Second Ashra Comes To An End

The second Ashra of Ramadan comes to an end. The middle 10 days of Ramadan or the second Ashra have their own importance as Allah Almighty opens the gates of forgiveness for the seekers.

The second Ashra of Ramadan comes to an end. The middle 10 days of Ramadan or the second Ashra have their own importance as Allah Almighty opens the gates of forgiveness for the seekers. This is the best time for you to repent and seek Allah’s forgiveness sincerely. Make sure to not indulge in sins again.

Importance Of Sadaqah and Zakat In Ramadan

In these 10 days, if you expect Allah to forgive you then you must forgive others too. As Ramadan is a month of goodness, your every good act counts. In the second Ashra, make as many duas as you can to purify yourself from the sins committed in the past.

Importance of Second Ashra

The middle 10 days of Ramadan also known as the days of forgiveness are meant to give Muslims a chance to repent and ask forgiveness from the Almighty. As in Ramadan, all the doors to hell are closed and the shaitan is chained therefore every act, deed, dua is more likely to be rewarded and answered. The Ashra of maghfira comes to an end but that doesn’t mean you missed the chance we hope that’s not the case. But we still have 10 days left, make as much dua as you can. Do things that would please the Almighty and earn His favors.

The dua for the second Ashra:

I seek forgiveness from Allah for all my sins and turn to Him.

The second Ashra of Ramadan is as important as the virtue of forgiveness in Islam. As Allah mentions in Quran

“And seek forgiveness of Allah. Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”

Undoubtedly, Allah is the most forgiving of all. He loves when a person with his heart full of guilt, sheds a tear in repentance. There is no limit to his mercy. So, ask him with a sincere heart, and surely, He’ll forgive you.

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) stated

“If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not.” (Abu Dawud)

As stated in both Quran and Hadith, forgiveness asked with a sincere heart is bound to be answered. Therefore, offer prayers, recite Holy Quran, and do a lot of Zikr.

Now as we are entering into the last phase of Ramadan, don’t waste time and make the most out of this month.

Written by Team Neemopani


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