February Won’t Be a Hoodie Season!

Beginning in February of this year, Pakistan’s Meteorological Department as well as the NOAA have both issued warnings regarding the possibility of an early start to summer.

summers to come early in February

The Meteorological Department of Pakistan has issued a warning about the possibility of an early start to summer this year, starting as early as February.

MET has warned that a heat wave would strike Punjab around the middle of the month saying, “The onset of summer will be sooner than usual due to the impacts of climate change.”

Climate is something we all have been ignoring for a long. We did take several good initiatives to cope with this climate struggle but still didn’t reach the maximum level.

“The highest temperatures could reach 45 degrees Celsius,” the forecasters said. While this is going on, the Met Office has predicted that because of the heavy rains that occurred in 2022, there will be a noticeable decline in the average rainfall that occurs in 2023.

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which published the data on Thursday, the month of February will break the previous record for the warmest February and might even become the warmest month ever compared to an average (CNN).

MET and NOAA said that we might have the warmest Feb on record, the warmest December, and the warmest November in the coming 10 months, going all the way up to the warmest February breaking of  the 135-year record. This suggests that this year the summers might come quickly and may take a swing.

Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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