Year of the Rabbit: What to Expect in 2023

According to Chinese tradition this year is “likely to be calm and gentle, bringing an energy that will help those looking for more of a balanced life,

22 January marks one of the most important festivals in Chinese culture, the dawn of the Lunar New Year. Chinese New Year, known as the Spring Festival, is packed full of food, family and festivities. Not only is it celebrated in China, but it also brings together friends and families in many countries across Asia.

As we wave goodbye to the tiger and move into the Year of the Rabbit, what can we expect from the year to come?

The last time it was the Year of the Rabbit, astrologer Jen Ingress found a new home. Like a rabbit deciding on the perfect spot to create a burrow, she was faced with a barrage of options. “It was hard for me to decide – there were many pros and cons,” she says. “I’m not saying that the Rabbit is indecisive. It just may not be entirely obvious what is the right decision when making a choice, and you might have to do some thinking like I did.”

That was 2011, and it was a year marked by decisions – something that will also characterise 2023’s Year of the Rabbit, which started when the Lunar New Year kicked off on the second new moon after the winter solstice. (This year, it fell on Sunday, January 22.) There will also be a need for grace when it comes to interactions with others. This is quite different than last year’s Tiger year. Think of it this way: “Tigers can take on anything and bring courage, a strong moral code and responsiveness,” says Ingress. “Whereas this year, we can anticipate more diplomacy or more cautious approaches on the world stage and for individuals.”

But wait, there’s more: There are not only 12 astrological signs in Chinese astrology, but also five zodiac elements, and this year’s element is Water. It’s the first time in 60 years that a Water Rabbit has appeared. So, what are your plans for the Year of the Water Rabbit in 2023?

Let us investigate.

Rabbit zodiac personality traits

Rabbits are recognised for being adorable, loving, and energetic (not to mention bouncing), but they’re also a little mysterious. After all, since they don’t have a wide range of facial expressions, it’s impossible to know what they’re thinking. “Rabbits are popular, but they’re not simple to read or understand,” Ingress observes. “These people are socially adept, charming, and diplomatic, yet they also need alone time.”

A possible stumbling block for Rabbit persons is that, like genuine rabbits, they may seek an easy getaway when put on the spot or may refuse to confront the truth of the issue. That’s something to keep in mind as you approach a full year symbolised by this animal.

How 2023’s Year of the Rabbit will affect you

In general, Rabbit years abound with creativity and an appreciation for the arts. You might feel yourself being pulled toward exploring museums, music festivals and performances. In social gatherings, the Year of the Rabbit will encourage more cordiality and social niceties. If disputes arise, diplomacy will win out. Chances are, you’ll also face many options, but like the rabbit’s burrow, you should have multiple exit points and not get too attached to specific decisions. “Rabbits always like having a plan B,” Ingress says. “So this is a year to have more than one plan B – and [to have] continued social interactions in order to reach a decision.”

Water Element

Let us now look at the zodiac element of 2023, water, which represents travel and mobility. While 2022 was a water year as well, it was more of a flood. After COVID limitations were relaxed, people were eager to go back out into the world, therefore there was mobility in the form of travel. Aside from that, the Russian invasion of Ukraine pushed many to flee to other nations. The water element combined with the Tiger sign created a year that demanded rapid answers and powerful replies in the midst of turmoil.

In contrast, the Year of the Water Rabbit will seem more like a little stream in terms of getting about and, more broadly, mobility in our life. “This year will offer learning possibilities, a broadening of interests, more time spent pursuing goals, and a general feeling of curiosity,” says Ingress. However, because of the unpredictability of water, the globe may still seem perilous in 2023. As a result, it will be critical to be vigilant – to be prepared to deal with shocks and to get comfortable with ambiguity in your life and in the world.

Which signs will thrive in the Year of the Rabbit?

The Chinese zodiac signs compatible with the Rabbit, especially the Goat, Dog, and Pig, will enjoy a prosperous year. Each of these signs will witness a plethora of prospects for advancement in their employment, relationships, or artistic interests. However, not all changes will be realised: When it comes to choosing decisions, don’t be fooled by looks – what seems to be the ideal option may not be. Dogs and Pigs, in particular, may have to make tough judgements at work.

For all of these reasons, it is critical to remain calm this year, even when things seem to be going well. Of course, that’s easier said than done, but these animal signals are the most prepared to meet the task – particularly when they’re in each other’s company. In terms of temperament and personality, the pig and rabbit are a fantastic fit. Add Sheep and Dog to the mix, and you’ve got a party on your hands. “They balance each other out when they’re all together,” explains Ingress. People born under these signs have an easygoing demeanour and are genuinely empathetic, which are traits shared by the Rabbit. Sheep’s romanticism, Dog’s supportiveness, and Pig’s relatability complement Rabbit, and groups of friends with these signs will exude a soft but sensitive spirit.

Which signs will have more difficulty in the Year of the Rabbit?

Sorry, Dragons, Snakes, Roosters, and Rats – your energies will collide with the Rabbit this year. Dragons are born leaders who like overcoming difficulties, but their enthusiasm to accomplish may not be rewarded in the slower-paced Rabbit year, when decisions must be carefully considered and a person’s choices may have to be reconsidered.

Snake is frequently referred to as a little dragon, and their resolve may be difficult this year. As an animal noted for welcoming the early light, the Rooster is also persistent and successful. Finally, although the clever and quick-witted Rat may be able to adjust to the Year of the Rabbit’s shocks, their lack of confidence may lead them to stumble when plans change.

But don’t panic, these signs aren’t doomed in 2023. According to Ingress, a certain Chinese zodiac year will not indicate whether or not luck will come your way, but rather whether the year would be like a “smooth flowing river or one that is more choppy and hence stressful, with various challenges to tackle.”





Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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