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Max will soon be Streaming the Harry Potter series

The release dates for each programme have not been announced by Warner Bros. Discovery.

Max will soon be Streaming the Harry Potter series

Teenage Genius A new Harry Potter series, based on J.K. Rowling’s bestselling books, will soon be available to watch online. These Harry Potter series will be streamed on Max.

.The series was unveiled on Wednesday as part of Warner Bros. Discovery’s ambitions for its Max streaming service, which will include both HBO Max and Discovery’s unscripted offerings.

With over 600 million copies sold, the seven Harry Potter books are the best-selling book series in history. From 2001 to 2011, movies based on these books, starring Daniel Radcliffe, collectively earned $7.7 billion worldwide.

New actors will be included in each season of the future show, which will focus on a different one of Rowling’s books. The series is intended to span a whole decade. Rowling’s role in the show will be that of executive producer.
Rowling stated in a statement that she is “looking forward to being a part of this new adaptation,” since “it will allow for a degree of depth and complexity only provided by a long-form television series.”

In recent years, Rowling has been at the center of controversy after making remarks that some have interpreted as transphobic. Some websites and actresses who play Harry Potter had something to say about her comments.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms: The Hedge Knight, a Game of Thrones prequel written by George RR Martin and executive produced by him, is another new show coming to Max.
The show’s events will take place a century before those of “Game of Thrones,” when the Targaryen family still ruled Westeros. A “young, innocent yet valiant knight” and his squire will be the main characters, the business has announced.
No air dates have been announced for any show by Warner Bros. Discovery.

Written by Team Neemopani


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