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Mamoon Sabri: First Pakistani International Sports Caster

Mamoon Sabri is the first Pakistani to cover a major international esports competition.

Mamoon Sabri, The first Pakistani To cover major International Esports Tournament

Mamoon Sabri, better known by his caster name TeaTime, is a native Pakistani who will serve as the event’s host for the first first time. The competition will be a significant esports tournament for the video game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO).

With other hosts like Elfishguy, Mac, and YouM3, abri will be providing commentary on the Asia Pacific RMR for the Paris Major 2023. A number of well-known professional CS: GO teams, including IHC Esports, TYLOO, Twisted Minds, Grayhound Gaming, and others, will compete against one another during the tournament.

An indigenous Pakistani caster has never before been recruited for a production of this magnitude and scope anywhere else in the world. As a broadcast specialist and esports host, Sabri will be traveling to the location to give coverage while he is there.

Mamoon “TeaTime” Sabri has been a professional gaming commentator for a decade, focusing on popular titles in Pakistan and beyond including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It hit a new high this month, with almost 1.4 million gamers online at once. It’s the only game on Steam with over a million users now playing it.

Sabri has experience in both the roles of esports journalist and consultant for Middle Eastern multinationals. He also aims to keep up his worldwide job as a pundit and as the key consumer rights champion for the esports business.

Written by Team Neemopani


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