Did you know sugar consumption can make you bald?

People with MPHL consumed an average of 4.3 litres of SSBs per week, compared to just 2.5 litres among those without the illness, according to a study published in Nutrients that enrolled 1028 college students and professors from 31 provinces in China. 

Everyone is aware of the many harmful impacts that drinking beverages with added sugar has on one’s health. However, a current study discovered a connection between increasing consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks (SSBs) and a higher risk of male pattern baldness (MPHL).

MPHL is the most common form of hair loss in men, affecting around 30-50% of men by age 50, and recent studies suggest that the rate of MPHL may be increasing.

People with MPHL consumed an average of 4.3 litres of SSBs per week, compared to just 2.5 litres among those without the illness, according to a study published in Nutrients that enrolled 1028 college students and professors from 31 provinces in China.

The study participants were surveyed on their basic sociodemographic information, hair status, dietary intake, lifestyle, and psychological status.

Responses to the 15-item Beverage Intake Questionnaire, which looked at their use of beverages in the previous month, were used to calculate SSB consumption.
SSBs included sweetened milk, sweetened tea and coffee, soft drinks, energy and sports drinks, and sweetened juice liquids.

The researchers found that individuals with MPHL were more likely to be older, be current or former smokers, have a lower education level, engage in less physical activity.

According to the study, these individuals also had shorter sleep durations, a history of severe anxiety or PTSD, a positive family history of MPHL, disorders associated with MPHL, and hair that has been coloured, permed, bleached, or relaxed.

They also discovered that people with MPHL eat less fresh produce and more fried foods, desserts, ice cream, and sugar than people without the illness.

The study suggests that reducing SSB consumption may be a potential lifestyle choice to reduce the risk of MPHL in men.

Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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