5 Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is not a new concept, and with a recent surge of popularity, many professionals, athletes and celebrities are active practitioners. Whether you own a business, work full-time for a company or are a stay-at-home parent, meditation can improve all aspects of your life. Here are the top five benefits of meditation:

If there is one thing common in all of us, it is the flaming urge to be happy and satisfied in life. When life becomes too real under all the work and busy day to day hastle, one desires a magic potion that can take the stress away and relax the mind.

The reality is that life can be stressful, especially when you feel as if you’re being pulled in different directions, whether at work or in your personal life. Meditation is a powerful tool to deal with stress and anxiety so that you can take back control and focus on achieving your goals.

Meditation is not a new concept, and with a recent surge of popularity, many professionals, athletes and celebrities are active practitioners. Whether you own a business, work full-time for a company or are a stay-at-home parent, meditation can improve all aspects of your life. Here are the top five benefits of meditation:

  1. Reduces Stress:

Meditation can help alleviate stress from just about any situation you may be in. It gives you the tools to take a step back, breathe and return to a more relaxed state of mind. When there is a stressor in our life, we react with an instinct to fight or fly (leave) the situation. You may notice your heart racing or a sense of anger that makes you want to be explosive (hence, the need to fight your way out). When you meditate, you are helping that response from occurring in the first place.

  1. Promotes Productivity:

If you meditate daily, you’ll notice a boost in your productivity. You’ll be more engaged in your projects and assignments while having a new sense of clarity to execute them.

  1. Helps in staying focused:

Another benefit of meditation is that your sense of focus will be enhanced. You’ll stay in the present moment through concentrated time spent focusing on your breath and presence instead of quickly going from one task to the next. If your attention span is short, studies show that even a few minutes of meditation can vastly improve your ability to focus.

  1. Improves Relationships:

When you meditate regularly, you may notice how you’re more grateful and appreciative toward the people in your life. Having a healthy relationship with people around you is very important and one can only do that if they stay cool in mind. Meditation helps keeping oneself calm which helps in maintaining friendly relationships around.

  1. Regulates Mood:

A regular meditation practice has been shown to improve your overall mood. You’re more in-tune with the way you feel and how you react in any given situation. Meditation influences our physical state to be more relaxed and helps us respond more appropriately to our external world. You’ll have a new understanding and sense of self, where you’ll find yourself feeling better and possibly having more energy since your stress levels are lower.


Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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