Yellow flags to look out for in a relationship!

Adults need some degree of responsibility, but don’t judge without knowing the full story. Watch out though, it might turn out to be a red sign.

Even children are familiar with the red and green flags. But did you know there are also yellow flags? You read that correctly: yellow flags! A yellow flag is essentially a warning to be cautious or to keep an eye out for any problems in your relationship. While they are not always serious, they may signify a larger issue that is concealed in plain sight, and it is best to uncover them before it is too late. Yellow

So, without further ado, here are some red flag behaviours in a relationship!

Still in contact with their ex:

Don’t get us wrong: it’s OK to keep in touch with an ex, but it may also signify that your partner is treading carefully at this time. Keep a watch on their relationship with their ex, since it could be a red indicator.

Avoids talking about their family:

When someone pretends that their family does not exist, it could mean that they are hiding something deep down that they are embarrassed of, or that they do not take your relationship seriously enough to let you into their private lives.

Blames their ex for the failure of their relationship:

Adults need some degree of responsibility, but don’t judge without knowing the full story. Watch out though, it might turn out to be a red sign.

Excessive fidgeting:

It is true that excessive fidgeting may be a sign of anxiety or just a bad habit, but it could also be a sign that they are uneasy, awkward, or perhaps not interested.

Overly defensive:

If your partner reacts defensively to criticism or retaliates out of hurt, this is a major red sign. The ability to handle difficult conversations indicates a partner with the requisite emotional intelligence.

Try not to be overly paranoid, and avoid looking for vulnerabilities because you will undoubtedly discover them. Nonetheless, never disregard your intuition. Obviously, not every yellow flag turns red. But if something doesn’t feel right, talk to them or go on. You are in charge of your own life and happiness!

Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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