ChatGPT API Released by OpenAI

OpenAI has made the announcement that it will now make it possible for third-party developers to include ChatGPT into their own products



OpenAI has made the announcement that it will now make it possible for third-party developers to include ChatGPT into their own products by making API available to them.

The company that developed ChatGPT, OpenAI, has said that the application programming interface (API) may be put to many other applications outside the development of an AI-powered chat interface.

The industry powerhouse in artificial intelligence is selling 1,000 tokens for $0.002, which OpenAI says is “10 times cheaper than our previous GPT-3.5 models.”

It also provides developers with the option of using a dedicated instance of ChatGPT if they are processing a large lot of data. This gives developers greater control over the bot’s model and the amount of time it takes to respond.

In addition to the ChatGPT API for developers, OpenAI has also introduced a new API for Whisper, their speech-to-text model. Whisper is able to transcribe or translate audio at lower costs than ChatGPT.

Now embedded into online browsers is the artificial intelligence (AI) powerhouse known as Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer, or ChatGPT for short.

PSO is Considering to Purchase Telenor

The manufacturer of the browser Opera has entered the field of artificial intelligence (AI), and their browser was one of the first to include ChatGPT.

They have already disclosed their intent to modify the AI component of fresh incoming versions. The ChatGPT functionality will be added to the browser’s sidebar in the near future.



Written by Team Neemopani


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