The Boycott Battle

buying local makes sense

The Boycott Battle

The boycott movement is still going strong and  has gained significant momentum. A clear example of this is how boycotted brands are actively trying various strategies to win back their customers. 

Major brands like Coca-Cola, Nestlé, and 7UP are making efforts to reconnect with Pakistani consumers through new ads, campaigns, and revamped packaging, hoping to regain relevance after the boycott. 7UP, for example, launched packaging featuring Pakistani city names to appear more patriotic.  Pepsi has also brought back its discontinued drink ‘Teem,’ this time without any visible Pepsi branding. However, these moves seem to be more of a marketing tactic. 

It’s not just from a boycott perspective; even from a health standpoint, these products are far from beneficial. They’re packed with artificial flavors and high sugar content, which can be seriously harmful to your health over time.

Now is the perfect time to choose more local products and healthier alternatives. The current boycott has led to an increase in demand for local goods, driving up production. In Pakistan, there are now plenty of snack options that not only highlight the rich flavors of local spices but are also affordable and incredibly tasty. 

As a consumer, it’s important not to blindly trust what you see in promotional advertisements. Make mindful choices about what you eat, and support local brands that not only taste great but are also affordable. By choosing local products, you’re not only saving money, as these products often come at a lower cost compared to imports, but you’re also directly contributing to the growth of our country’s economy.  

If these companies want their customers back, they really need to prove it by reducing sugar or mix it with sugar free combinations , with some healthy stuff.  Also, support justice everywhere, not just profits.   For the local companies that produce fruit drinks , they also need to examine their ingredients, and make them addictive with taste , not overburdening the body with a shock.

Written by Team Neemopani


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