The Late Late show that aired in 1995, is a late-night comedy variety show and a talk show on CBS. Since its start, a total of 4 people have hosted the show with James Corden being the 4th one. And seems like the variety show is soon going to get a 5th host only if they are planning on running the show. Because the word has it that James Corden has quit the show and has tuned down the ‘name your price’ deal to stay on the Late Late show.
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43-year-old James Corden has been hosting the Late Late show since 2015. And we know how he has been through the years. An annoyingly witty guy, trying to get a scoop into the lives of the celebrities and their upcoming projects. This quirky personality never at once failed to give the fans a barrel of laughs.
His news of quitting the show was a shocker for people but seems like it turned into a nightmare for the producers of the show. Though James has extended his contract till 2023, in the summers of the same year he is going to bid a farewell to the fans. The producers obviously don’t want to lose a host like James and to make him stay gave him a million-dollar deal. A deal that’s hard to ‘not take’ which apparently stands as the ‘name your price’ deal. But Corden being Corden refused to stay.
Sources say that James wants to quit the show to spend time with his family. Not to mention he is the 4th host to have been offered approximately £15 million to stay on the show. “James wants to write, make films and he loves the theatre. He is only in his early forties. There is a lot more out there.”
But it appears like the celebrities, the victims of James Corden’s wits finally got the right opportunity to get back at him. Just like Tom Cruise extended his help to James. As he told Corden, to not worry even if the show fired him, he can always ask for help (money) from Tom Cruise.
Don't worry James, @TomCruise is here for you ❤️
— The Late Late Show with James Corden (@latelateshow) May 4, 2022
No doubt, the Late Late Show with James Corden would not be the same without James but yeah, we will get over it. Kidding… James Corden will surely be missed.