Ishq-e-Laa is a much-awaited Pakistani drama being aired on HumTv, penned down by the brilliant Qaisra Hayat. The cast of the drama had caught everyone’s attention ever since the teaser was aired, with Yumna Zaidi, Sajal Aly and Azan Sami Khan in lead roles. The question is, is the drama as powerful as the cast?
Qaisra Hayat wrote this story around the lives of three people who are connected yet entirely different from one another. Yumna Zaidi plays an ambitious girl from a lower socio-economic class yet is full of dreams, Sajal Aly plays a compassionate and brave journalist/activist backed by an equally strong mother and Azan Sami Khan plays a rich elitist.
Despite a phenomenal cast, the viewers were also impressed with the direction of the drama. The wide angles, moving shots along aerial shots are definitely attention-grabbing. Nowadays, in our dramas we hardly witness any outdoor scenes, however, this play entails various outdoor scenes with moving cameras and aerial views.
Another deserving aspect of the drama is the beauty of the strongly written female characters. This drama changes the narrative of typical Pakistani female roles of “mazloom aurat” and highlights strong women protagonists in different sects of the society backing each other’s confidence. The dialogs also entertain the audience with their thought-provoking imperative around divinity and the love of God. Each character is shown to have a different degree of faith and in each episode; we see a healthy amount of discussion involving religion.
Undoubtedly, Ishq-e-laa holds an unconventional storyline highlighting not only the social issue but also emphasizing the love of God. The fast-paced drama seems to offer much more to its audience than a typical love triangle. The focus is built on fearless women who influence the lives of people around them and we love the new rendition.