Cillian Murphy to Reprise Tommy Shelby in ‘Peaky Blinders’ Film on Netflix

Cillian Murphy to Reprise Tommy Shelby in 'Peaky Blinders' Film on Netflix

Hold onto your flat caps, Peaky Blinders fans! The iconic Cillian Murphy is set to return as the indomitable Tommy Shelby in a highly anticipated Peaky Blinders film on Netflix. After receiving his well-deserved Oscar, Murphy is back to what he does best: ruling the gritty streets of 1900s Birmingham.

A Whisper Turned Roar

The buzz began in March when Steven Knight, the mastermind behind the Peaky Blinders saga, hinted at a film continuation. Fans dared to dream, and now, according to Deadline, those dreams are becoming reality. Netflix has officially given the green light, promising to bring the fierce Shelby clan back to our screens.

From a Sunset to the Frontlines

The last time we saw Tommy Shelby, he was riding off into the sunset, leaving the family business to his sister Ada after a climactic showdown with his cousin Michael. But Tommy’s rest was short-lived. “It seems like Tommy Shelby wasn’t finished with me,” Murphy quipped in an interview. And honestly, were we ever finished with him?

Rejoining forces with Steven Knight and director Tom Harper, Murphy is set to dive back into the complex world of the Shelby family. The upcoming film promises to be a treat for the fans, with Knight teasing an explosive World War II backdrop. “This movie will be full-on Peaky Blinders at war,” Knight shared, guaranteeing a no-holds-barred spectacle.

The Gang’s All Here

Tom Harper, who directed the second half of Season 1, is back to helm this new chapter. Reflecting on the journey, Harper remarked, “When I first directed Peaky Blinders over 10 years ago, we didn’t know what the series would become, but we did know that there was something in the alchemy of the cast and the writing that felt explosive.”

Indeed, Peaky Blinders has always been a story about family, loyalty, and power. Reuniting the original team promises to reignite the same magic that captivated audiences worldwide.

Production Gears Up

Production for the yet-untitled film is slated to begin later this year, in association with BBC Film. The project boasts a powerhouse of producers, including Caryn Mandabach, Knight, Murphy, and Guy Heeley, with executive producers Harper, David Kosse, Jamie Glazebrook, Andrew Warren, and David Mason ensuring the film’s success.

The Legacy Continues

Since its debut in 2013 on BBC Two, Peaky Blinders has grown from a cult favorite to a global phenomenon, with Netflix joining the fray in 2014. The series’ popularity skyrocketed, moving to BBC One in 2019 and earning a BAFTA for Best Drama. Six gripping seasons later, the Shelby story seemed to have reached its zenith in 2022. But the Shelby clan isn’t done yet.

The return of Tommy Shelby is more than just a comeback; it’s a testament to the enduring allure of Peaky Blinders. Fans, old and new, can now prepare for another wild ride through the treacherous alleys and smoky pubs of Birmingham, as the Peaky Blinders once again take center stage.

So, polish those boots and sharpen those razors – the Peaky Blinders are back, and they’re ready for war.

Written by Team Neemopani


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