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Can Artificial Intelligence Lead to Human Extinction?

In a research paper, two Oxford University scientists argued that advanced AI will wipe out humans because machines will compete with humans for their energy needs.

Artificial Intelligence: To kill Humans
Artificial Intelligence: To kill Humans

It would appear that the conflict between humans and machines, to be obvious, Artifical Intelligence is no longer relegated to the realm of a simple plot device, as depicted in the film The Matrix, in which machines and humans wage war due to competing demands for energy.

According to research presented to members of parliament in the United Kingdom, if the technology (Artificial Intelligence) industry is not regulated, it will eventually develop “out-of-control” systems that have the potential to “eliminate the whole human race.”

During a meeting of the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, the panel of experts discussed Artificial Intelligence (AI), highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of the technology.

According to Michael Osborne, a professor of machine learning at Oxford University, and Michael Cohen, a researcher in engineering science, artificial intelligence may one day become more intelligent than humans, at which point it may be able to eradicate humanity.

The research, suggests that the danger posed by AI is greater than is commonly believed. The paper makes it crystal clear that when AI reaches a certain level of sophistication, it may wipe out humanity.

There are no known limits to the potential development of artificial intelligence, which has sparked a “literal arms race” as nations and technology companies compete to create the most advanced machine learning algorithms for military and civilian use.

Cohen cautioned that humanity should advance AI technologies slowly and carefully because AI is not yet capable of doing things humans can do. Experts warn that when AI and machines reach a certain level of complexity, they will compete with humans for resources, especially energy, and break the rules that govern their interactions with their programmers.


Written by Shaheer Ahmed


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