The Podcast Wave in Pakistan

The Podcast Wave in Pakistan

Intellectual Growth or Misguided Influence? 

Digital media has quickly become one of the fastest-growing and most profitable platforms in Pakistan, especially for those using social media to create and share entertainment content. This content ranges from comedy videos and blogging to daily vlogs and, of course, podcasts. Have you noticed how podcasts are popping up everywhere? It seems like anyone with the ability to talk – or at least who thinks they can – has jumped on the bandwagon and started their own podcast channel. 

The question is: Should anyone with a social media following and some popularity be allowed to create a podcast and discuss every issue or event in society? Or should this type of content be reserved for those with a certain level of influence, based on their knowledge, experience, and exposure? 

Honestly, it’s up to the audience to decide. The content that gets attention in the media is usually what the audience wants to see. If people are comfortable with countless podcasters discussing whatever comes to mind, then there likely isn’t an issue with it continuing.

Here’s something we, as the audience, should keep in mind: Just because someone is speaking into a high-quality mic in a visually appealing studio doesn’t necessarily mean what they’re saying is intellectually sound or accurate. It could be, but that’s not always the case.

We can’t just shut down channels we think aren’t worth having a podcast, but we can be mindful of the content we choose to consume.Be mindful of podcasters who may appear serious but might not always provide accurate information. It’s important to critically evaluate the content and distinguish between what’s reliable and what may not be.

Written by Team Neemopani


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