Point 1) The process of the Requisition System for the Manager is simple:

Step1: They Visit the Requisition System & Login.
Step 2: They will fill the form, The form will contain the following questions:
1) Requisition Number: (This will be a Unique Requisition Number that will be generated by the System, but should be systematic)
1) Timestamp: (This will automatically be filled by the system and will show the date and time the requisition was uploaded)
2) Department name: (They will choose from a dropdown which will contain the following):
3SC World
UniMax LPG
Esquire 2
Esquire Developer
Vital Care
Unity Exploration
Esquire 1
BrightStar (LPG Project)
Legal Affairs
CEO’s Personal
Losar Land
Salt LSS
Aroma Teas & Coffee
E1 & E2
Max Holding
AR Clinic
3) Total Items: Number of Items they need.
4)Item Details – Price and Details: This is where they will enter what are the items they need, The input box should allow long answers.
5) Please specify specifications/justifications/reason for the above request: (This is where they will enter the specifications/justifications/reason for the above request) The input box should allow long answers.
6) Est, Total Amount: This is where they will enter the total amount of the requsition in PKR)
7) Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed): This is where they will upload any supporting documents. They can upload upto 10 files but each file should not be larger than 5MB.

Then They will click on “Submit Requisition”
They will see a Thankyou Message that says “Your requisition has been submitted and is in the process of being assessed, the relevant department will contact you soon.”

Note: Whenever someone fills a requisition, its first status will automatically be “Pending”

Point 2: What Roles will the software have:
The Requisition System will has the following roles which the admin can Assign to an account.

1) For Managers: To upload a requisition/fill out the requisition form. View their Uploaded/Filled Requisitions, Download the attached documents which user filled in (Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed) section on the requsition form), Delete Requisition that only they have uploaded.
2) For Operations: To upload a requisition/fill out the requisition form. View Everyones Uploaded/Filled Requisitions, View Status of the Requisition, Download the attached documents which user filled in (Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed) section on the requsition form), Delete Requisition that only they have uploaded, Change Status of the requisition to: Approved by Operations (he cannot change it to any other status other than Approved by Operations).
3) For CEO: To upload a requisition/fill out the requisition form. View Everyones Uploaded/Filled Requisitions, View Status of the Requisition, Delete Requisition that only they have uploaded, Download the attached documents which user filled in (Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed) section on the requisition form), Change Status of the requisition to: Approved by CEO, Disapproved by CEO, Need more Information (he cannot change it to any other status other than Approved by CEO, Disapproved by CEO, Need more Information).
4) For Accounts: To upload a requisition/fill out the requisition form. View Everyones Uploaded/Filled Requisitions, Delete Requisition that only they have uploaded, Download the attached documents which user filled in (Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed) section on the requsition form), View Status of the Requisition, Change Status of the requisition to: Paid by Accounts, Completed (he cannot change it to any other status other than Paid by Accounts or Completed).
5) Main Admin: Do Everything which others can, Create New Users, Assign roles to new users, View Log History of Software which should show when a certain action was performed, View Login log of System that shows who logged in at what time and date, Change Email SMTP Settings.

Point 3) How does the process and status process work & what is the functionality: ( Symbol > represents the steps )

Here is the Status Process:
>First a New Requisition comes in and the Status will be Pending > after that the User with the role of “Operations” will change status to “Approved by Operations” – Until the Status is not changed by the “Operations” both CEO & Accounts cannot change the status. > Once the status is changed by Operations to “Approved by Operations” then CEO will change the status from Approved by CEO or Disapproved by CEO or Need more Information (he cannot change it to any other status other than Approved by CEO, Disapproved by CEO, Need more Information) > If CEO changes the status to “Approved by CEO” then user with the Role of Accounts can change the status to Paid by Accounts” > If the If CEO changes the status to “Disapproved by CEO” then no one can further change the status and thats the end of it > If the CEO changes the status to “Need more Information” then a popup will show asking him: to provide Remarks, CEO will then write down the remarks, The remarks will then show in the Separate column of the requisition to the appropriate roles that have the permission to view it. > The User who uploaded the requisition will then fill the “Need more Information” form as mentioned above and resubmit the requisition, once he resubmits the Requisition, Its status will be changed to “Additional Information provided” and then only CEO can further change the status to Approved by CEO or Disapproved by CEO > If CEO changes the status to “Approved by CEO” and the user with the Role of Accounts has changed the status to Paid by Accounts, after he changes the status to Paid by Accounts, a Popup will show up with the form that will ask them: How much funds have been Paid? This is where he/she will enter the amount, This is mandatory, they cannot change the status to Paid by Accounts without filling this form, once they fill the form, they will be able to click on “Confirm Button” and then status will be changes> the User with the Role of Accounts can then change the Status of the requisition to “Completed”, at this point he will see a popup that contain a form that will ask him:
a) Has the Item been procured (Yes/No)?
b) Were any additional funds given, Enter the amount, Enter zero if none?
c) Were any Funds Received/Returned, Enter the amount, Enter zero if none?
d) Has Delivery note been received (Yes/No)?
The User with the Role of Accounts can has to fill up all these questions in the form which are all mandatory, only after which he will click “Confirm” and the status of the requisition will be changed to Complete.

Point 4)What is the Main menu

The Main Menu should have the following: (I have numbered them, Numbers are Parent Pages, Alphabets are Sub Pages/dropdown menu)

1) New Requisition: Will take them to the Requisition Form

2) View My Existing Requisition: Will show the user the requisitions that only they have uploaded. Requisitions will show up in a Table format (I have given Table format below). This is where they can also see the status of the Requisition as well as delete the requisition. If the requisition status says: “Needs more Information”, then user who uploaded the rqusition can click on it and it should show a Form that says:
a) Enter Further Information (This is Compulsory): (This should allow Long Form Answer)
b) Upload more supporting documents: (Should allow multiple files but each file cannot be more than 5 MB)
Once the user fills in the required data, The requisition will be updated and the information will show in the Requisition Table for Operations, CEO & Accounts to see/download.

3) View All Existing Requisitions (Only show to CEO, Operations & Accounts) – will show up in a Table format (I have given Table format below).
a) View Pending Requisitions: (All Requisitions that have a Status of Pending) – will show up in a Table format (I have given Table format below).
b) View Approved by CEO Requisitions: (All Requisitions that have a Status of Approved by CEO) – will show up in a Table format (I have given Table format below).
c) View Disapproved by CEO Requisitions: (All Requisitions that have a Status of Disapproved by CEO) – will show up in a Table format (I have given Table format below).
d) View Completed Requisitions: (All Requisitions that have a Status of Completed) – will show up in a Table format (I have given Table format below).

4) Report (Only show to CEO, Operations & Accounts) – will show up in a Table format (I have given Table format below). – will show up in a Table format (I have given Table format below).
a) Report based on Departments: (This will show How many Requisitions were submitted by each department, just the total number), Table format for this will be:
Collumn 1: Name of Department
Collumn 2: Total Number of Requisitions

Point 5) What are the Table formats:
Table Formats for each User based on their Role:
All the Table must have:
Filter options to search by date, to search by Status and to search by department)

For Manager Role:
Columns (Only Use Short Form):
1) Sr Number
1) Requisition Number (Short Form: RQ No)
1) Timestamp:
2) Department name: (Short Form: Dept Name)
3) Total Items: (Short Form: T. Items)
4)Item Details: (Short Form: Item Details)
5) Additional Details (This is where the information filled in the “Please specify specifications/justifications/reason for the above request” form comes. (Short Form: Add. Details)
6) Est, Total Amount (Short Form: Total Amount)
7) Documents: (Short Form: Documents): This is where they can download the documents they uploaded while filling the question of “Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed)” during filling Requisition System
8) Need Additional Information: This is where the Additional Information will show which the user with the role of CEO has asked for when he/she changed the status to “Need more Information”. Instead of shown the whole text, this box should show a “Click Here” button which upon clicking will show a Popup that will show The Remarks of the CEO, The user can then reply to the remarks and it will show up in the same Popup. Once the user Fills his remarks, The status of the Requisition will be changed to “Additional Information provided”
9) Delete Requisition: This is where there will be a button to delete the requisition, User can only delete the requisition they have uploaded)
10) ”Current Status: (This will show status of the requisition)”

For Operations Role:
Columns (Only Use Short Form):
1) Sr Number
1) Requisition Number (Short Form: RQ No)
1) Timestamp:
2) Department name: (Short Form: Dept Name)
3) Total Items: (Short Form: T. Items)
4)Item Details: (Short Form: Item Details)
5) Additional Details (This is where the information filled in the “Please specify specifications/justifications/reason for the above request” form comes. (Short Form: Add. Details)
6) Est, Total Amount (Short Form: Total Amount)
7) Documents: (Short Form: Documents): This is where they can download the documents they uploaded while filling the question of “Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed)” during filling Requisition System
8) Need Additional Information: This is where the Additional Information will show which the user with the role of CEO has asked for when he/she changed the status to “Need more Information”. Instead of shown the whole text, this box should show a “Click Here” button which upon clicking will show a Popup that will show The Remarks of the CEO, The user can then reply to the remarks and it will show up in the same Popup. Once the user Fills his remarks, The status of the Requisition will be changed to “Additional Information provided”
9) Delete Requisition: This is where there will be a button to delete the requisition, User can only delete the requisition they have uploaded)
10) Current Status: (This will show status of the requisition)
Note: For Operations, he can click on the status and it will show a drop down containing the statuses and he can then change the status based on what he is allowed)

For CEO Role:
Columns (Only Use Short Form):
1) Sr Number
1) Requisition Number (Short Form: RQ No)
1) Timestamp:
2) Department name: (Short Form: Dept Name)
3) Total Items: (Short Form: T. Items)
4)Item Details: (Short Form: Item Details)
5) Additional Details (This is where the information filled in the “Please specify specifications/justifications/reason for the above request” form comes. (Short Form: Add. Details)
6) Est, Total Amount (Short Form: Total Amount)
7) Documents: (Short Form: Documents): This is where they can download the documents they uploaded while filling the question of “Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed)” during filling Requisition System
8) Need Additional Information: This is where the Additional Information/Remarks will show which the user with the role of CEO entered when he changed the status to “Need more Information”. Instead of shown the whole text, this box should show a “Click Here” button which upon clicking will show a Popup that will show The Remarks of the CEO and if The user who uploaded the requistion has responded with his remarks, those remarks will also be seen there.
9) Delete Requisition: This is where there will be a button to delete the requisition, User can only delete the requisition they have uploaded)
10) Current Status: (This will show status of the requisition)
Note: For CEO, he can click on the status and it will show a drop down containing the statuses and he can then change the status based on what he is allowed) (If he changes status to: Need more Information then a popup will show asking him: to provide Remarks, CEO will then write down the remarks and click Confirm, after which the status will be changed successfully.
11) Item Procured: (Short Form: Procured?”) This will show the Answer (Yes/No) that the user with the role of Accounts entered in the question “Has the Item been procured (Yes/No)?” when he was changing the status to “Complete”.
12) Additional Funds Given (Short Form: Addt. Funds) This will show the Answer that the user with the role of Accounts entered in the question “Were any additional funds given, Enter the amount, Enter zero if none?” when he was changing the status to “Complete”.
13) Delivery Note (Short Form: Dlvry Note) This will show the Answer (Yes/No) that the user with the role of Accounts entered in the question “Has Delivery Note been received (Yes/No)?” when he was changing the status to “Complete”.
14) Total Paid by Accounts : (Short Form: Total paid”) This will show the amount that the user with the role of Accounts entered in the question “How much funds have been Paid?” when he was changing the status to “Paid by Accounts”

For Accounts Role:
Columns (Only Use Short Form):
1) Sr Number
1) Requisition Number (Short Form: RQ No)
1) Timestamp:
2) Department name: (Short Form: Dept Name)
3) Total Items: (Short Form: T. Items)
4)Item Details: (Short Form: Item Details)
5) Additional Details (This is where the information filled in the “Please specify specifications/justifications/reason for the above request” form comes. (Short Form: Add. Details)
6) Est, Total Amount (Short Form: Total Amount)
7) Documents: (Short Form: Documents): This is where they can download the documents they uploaded while filling the question of “Upload Images of Quotations (If Needed)” during filling Requisition System
8) Need Additional Information: This is where the Additional Information/Remarks will show which the user with the role of CEO entered when he changed the status to “Need more Information”. Instead of shown the whole text, this box should show a “Click Here” button which upon clicking will show a Popup that will show The Remarks of the CEO and if The user who uploaded the requestion has responded with his remarks, those remarks will also be seen there.
9) Delete Requisition: This is where there will be a button to delete the requisition, User can only delete the requisition they have uploaded)
10) Current Status: (This will show status of the requisition)
Note: For Accounts, he can click on the status and it will show a drop down containing the statuses and he can then change the status based on what he is allowed) (If he changes status to Paid by Accounts then a Popup will show up with the form that will ask them:
How much funds have been Paid? This is where he/she will enter the amount, This is mandatory, they cannot change the status to Paid by Accounts without filling this form, once they fill the form, they will be able to click on “Confirm Button” and then status will be changed.
When The User with the Role of Accounts changes the Status of the requisition to “Completed”, at this point he will see a popup that contain a form that will ask him:

a) Has the Item been procured (Yes/No)?
b) Were any additional funds given, Enter the amount, Enter zero if none?
c) Were any Funds Received/Returned, Enter the amount, Enter zero if none?
d) Has Delivery Note been received (Yes/No)?
The User with the Role of Accounts has to fill up all these questions in the form which are all mandatory, only after which he will click “Confirm” and the status of the requisition will be changed to Complete.
11) Item Procured: (Short Form: Procured?”) This will show the Answer (Yes/No) that the user with the role of Accounts entered in the question “Has the Item been procured (Yes/No)?” when he was changing the status to “Complete”.
12) Additional Funds Given (Short Form: Addt. Funds) This will show the Answer that the user with the role of Accounts entered in the question “Were any additional funds given, Enter the amount, Enter zero if none?” when he was changing the status to “Complete”.
13) Delivery Note (Short Form: Dlvry Note) This will show the Answer (Yes/No) that the user with the role of Accounts entered in the question “Has Delivery Note been received (Yes/No)?” when he was changing the status to “Complete”.
14) Total Paid by Accounts : (Short Form: Total paid”) This will show the amount that the user with the role of Accounts entered in the question “How much funds have been Paid?” when he was changing the status to “Paid by Accounts”

Point 6) What is the Notification System:

Email/Notification System:
Software Should have Email Notification based on role. We will use MailJet SMTP for this purpose.

For Manager Role:
Should receive email every time:
1) The status of their Requisition (The requisition they uploaded) Changes to any status.
2) They are asked for Additional Information when status of their Requisition that they uploaded is changed by CEO to “Need more Information”
3) When the status is changed to “Pending Collection” for their Requisition, they will receive email stating something like: Your requisition is approved and is pending fund/item collection from Accounts/Cashier Office.
4) When the status is changed to “Completed” for their Requisition that they uploaded, they will receive email stating something like: Your requisition with Requisition Number (Insert Requisition Number) has been completed.

For Operations Role:
Should receive email every time:
1) The status of their Requisition (The requisition they uploaded) Changes to any status.
2) They are asked for Additional Information when status of their Requisition that they uploaded is changed by CEO to “Need more Information”
3) When the status is changed to “Pending Collection” for their Requisition, they will receive email stating something like: Your requisition is approved and is pending fund/item collection from Accounts/Cashier Office.
4) When a New requisition is submitted into the system.
5) When a requisition status is changed from Approved by Operations to Approved by CEO, or Disapproved by CEO

For CEO:
Should receive email every time:
1) The status of their Requisition (The requisition they uploaded) Changes to any status.
2) They are asked for Additional Information when status of their Requisition that they uploaded is changed by CEO to “Need more Information”
3) When the status is changed to “Pending Collection” for their Requisition that they uploaded, they will receive email stating something like: Your requisition is approved and is pending fund/item collection from Accounts/Cashier Office.
4) When a User adds their Remarks to the requisition that the CEO had changed the status to “Need more Information”. It will contain a button that will take him directly from his email to the Popup containing the information in his browser.

For Accounts Role:
Should receive email every time:
1) The status of their Requisition (The requisition they uploaded) Changes to any status.
2) They are asked for Additional Information when status of their Requisition that they uploaded is changed by CEO to “Need more Information”
3) When the status is changed to “Pending Collection” for their Requisition, they will receive email stating something like: Your requisition is approved and is pending fund/item collection from Accounts/Cashier Office.
6) When a requisition status is changed from Approved by Operations to Approved by CEO.

After reading and understanding, Tell me that you ahve clearly understood all 6 points which are:
1) The process of the Requisition System.
2) What Roles will the software have
3) How does the process and status process work & what is the functionality.
4)What is the Main menu
5) What are the Table formats
6) What is the Notification System.